Friday, December 21, 2007

Happy Solstice

Merry Christmas
Two shots outside my office window near the end of the year.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Software I Use

I hereby present my list of Geek Force Multipliers.... with URLs now:

Effort Reducers

  • LaunchBar — CLI for the GUI. A revolution away from pointing and clicking.

  • DragThing — the opposite of LaunchBar; still better than the Dock.

  • Path Finder — still better than the Finder. Gets routine things done more easily, and copy operations are faster.

  • Typeit4me — now I can type 80 wpm.

  • Hazel — rule based refiling to keep up with the torrent. For instance, anything on the desktop with "receipt" in the file name gets moved to the receipts folder.

  • MenuCalendarClock — I use this just because it lets me see the date in the menubar in yyyy-mm-dd format, and I don't suppose I need to say why that's so great.

Outboard Brains

  • OmniOutliner — for a while every project had an outline; now I use it mostly for structured writing.

  • TaskPaper — for the daily hit list.

  • VoodooPad — like an extra large messenger bag, it's simple and versatile. Requires a change in mindset to get the most use out of it. Hoping it gains all of taskpaper's abilities over time.

System Utilities

  • Cocktail — once every 6 months or so. Good for clearing out font caches, etc.

  • Growl — good for use with hazel so you know what your robot is doing.

By the way, a couple of these are on sale this month only through MacSanta.